Fablevision's morning mixtape.png

Ah, the days of mixtapes—when you’d collect a stack of blank cassettes or CDs and carefully create a list of your favorite songs to enjoy with friends or loved ones. Playlists are the modern day mixtapes and the desire to share good music has never faded.

Morning commutes, especially, are a great time to put on your favorite playlists and get into the right frame of mind for work. FableVisionaries travel to the studio in all different ways: train, car, bus, bicycle...even by foot. No matter what mode of transportation each FableVisionary chooses, we all have one mission in mind: arrive at the studio ready to work hard and be creative. Music can make or break a morning, so we’ve put together a mixtape (technically it’s a playlist, but we’re feeling nostalgic) of the studio’s favorite songs for the morning commute.

Continue reading to find out what songs get our team members energized and ready for the day!

A playlist featuring The Killers, Lizzo, Grimes, and others


“The Man” by The Killers
“I especially love playing this before a big meeting, it makes me feel invincible!” (Sarah Ditkoff, Communications Director)

“Juice” by Lizzo
“I love an upbeat song that I can cycle to on my commute!” (Allie Caton, Production Assistant)


“Kill V Maim” by Grimes
“It's probably super weird, but listening to Grimes makes me feel like a fierce warrior that can take on anything. Sometimes lyrics are secondary to the beat for me, so really, I just feel like it’s a music video in the morning of me getting ready to kick butt.” (Christina Kelly, Production Designer)

“Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia)” by Patrick Stump
“The song is all about removing yourself from the endless spiral of reliving past mistakes and sadness, and focusing on the here and now of how awesome you are. It helps me break out of tallying the pile of things that need to get done today, and instead celebrate the fact that I am about to go work with my amazing teams and make awesome games!” (Melissa Schoeller, Associate Producer)

“Hymnal” by Open Mike Eagle
“‘Hymnal’ is a great song about pushing past obstacles and owning mistakes when you're trying to create something:‘To thine own self be felt-tip.’ The track starts off sleepy, but by the time Sammus finishes her verse, I'm ready for my day!” (David Welsh, Production Assistant)

“Unlock It” by Charli XCX
“High-energy PC Music pop is, in my opinion, the best thing to listen to for my walk from the train every morning.” (Nathan Wentworth, Junior Developer)

"Unwound" by Tomtsu
“Along with the fact that this song really gets my toes tapping, my son is the drummer. Hard to believe these guys are only in high school.” (Brian Grossman, Technical Director)

“Someone To You” by BANNERS
“It’s the type of song that makes me want to run and do karate kicks in the air.” (Eileen Moynihan, Marketing Intern)

"The Killing Kind" by Marianas Trench
“One word: drama. This song never fails to energize me in the mornings, and it also has beautifully crafted lyrics and literary references that get me in the right frame of mind for the creative writing I do at the studio.” (Monica Chen, Marketing Coordinator)

“Fight Song” by Rachel Platten
”’Fight Song’ was the anthem of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, and its meaning for me has shifted over time. At first, it symbolized the possibility of finally breaking the glass ceiling. Then it made me cry every time I heard it. And now it reminds me that we have to get up and keep going in the face of adversity.” (Leigh Hallisey, Creative Director)
