You may remember it from previous years. This year, the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE) spanned two days (the last weekend of September), and Sunday was billed as Kids Comics Day. FableVisionaries headed over to neighboring Cambridge to celebrate and exhibit. MICE was established in 2010 to create a showcase space for artists and writers in the greater-Boston area working in the field of comics. The event is a joint project between the Boston Comics Roundtable, an independent arts collective, and the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University. Unlike traditional comics shows, which emphasize commerce and memorabilia, MICE puts a focus on the art of making comics. They connect local creators with local audience. They run a number of workshops for children and adults, as well as panel discussions on the craft and relevance of the comics form.

Bob Flynn, our director of art and animation designed one of the posters for the show this year, and also won the "Iron Cartoonist" drawing competition.

Former FableVisionary Tami Wicinas had a table, as did freelance FableVisionaries like Ellen Crenshaw. Bob did a workshop on character design. There's also a kids monster anthology coming out, created by local cartoonists, that Bob co-edited with Dan Moynihan. (Bob also did the cover.)

Art director John Lechner has a multi-page story in the anthology as well!
